How do I create my free website?


  1. Login to your Marijuana Software account
  2. Click the Support link in the menu
  3. Click the Website button
  4. Click the Create New link
  5. Complete the create website form
    1. Enter a website name. Only you will see this name. 
    2. Homepage text will appear at the top of your website
    3. Contact page text will appear above the contact section of your website
    4. Menu page text will appear directly above your menu
    5. URL put in your .COM name without the WWW
    6. URL2 put in your .COM name with the WWW
    7. Website description will appear in Google search results
    8. Website keywords: Enter a comma separated list of words to help Google searches. 
    9. Click the CREATE button
  6. Your website account is created. Before you can see your website live, please contact the Marijuana Software team to activate your site by sending email to 

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