How do I put in my initial inventory?
For your initial inventory (1st time putting plants in METRC), you do not have to track the mothers of the clones. You will want to track each planting by strain. If all 99 clones are the same strain, then you should create 1 planting with 99 clones.
Put everything into the system as a new planting with today's date and grow them up in the system same day until they reach the stage where they are in reality.
Put in the 99 clones as a new planting. Then put in the harvest as a new plant.
Change its growth phase to flowering and then harvest it.
Same for the 3 bags of weed.
Put then in as 3 clones.
Grow them through flowering, harvest them and then package them in the system.
This is how you onboard your active farm inventory.