Troubleshooting METRC Sales Uploading


*Example of METRC upload error messages

  • Facility can not sell to Consumers
    • This usually means that sometime is wrong with the patient card settings. Edit the customer details and double check the patient card effective data and patient card expiration date. Patient Card Effective Date should be 2 years before the Patient Card Expiration Date.
  • The Unit of Measure "Grams" is invalid.... Valid Values are: Each
    • The sale will not upload because the product is configured as EACH in METRC and GRAMS in Marijuana Software. To fix, click on the Batch # (METRC Tag #) for the product, edit the package details, scroll down to Order Quantity and make sure that unit of measure is set to UNITS (same as EACH). Make sure that Unit Weight is set to the amount of Marijuana in the product. Example 100 Milligrams or 1 Gram. 
  • Contents from Package cannot be sold because it does not exist in the current facility
    • This error means that the tag you attempting to upload is incorrect. It may have been entered incorrectly or it simply doesn’t exist in your metrc facility. To fix this error, go to Metrc and locate the package by name. Then copy the tag and paste it into Marijuana Software under the product’s batch number.

Once you've made your corrections, refresh the Upload Sales to METRC page and try the upload again.