How To Delete (Archive) A Product

STEPS For New Products page (white table):

1. Click on the new “Products” link at the top of the page. 

2. Find the product you’d like to delete in the list, click on the “Archive” button on the left side of the row.

3. Choose an option then click “Continue”. The item will now be archived but you can see it by clicking the “Inactive” switch at the top of the page. Click the “Reactivate” button to unarchive the product and bring it back to the “Active” list.

STEPS For Old Products page (green table):

1. Click on the new “Products” link at the top of the page. 

2. Find the product you’d like to delete in the list, click on the inventory quantity in the “Inventory” column. 

3. Click “Archive Package”.


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