How do I convert one product into another?

Prerequisite: In this example we will be converting Blue Dream Buds into Blue Dream Pre-rolls. Both of these products must be created ahead of time. See: How do I add a product?


  1. Click Products in the menu
  2. Click the icon to the right of the batch number of the Blue Dream Buds (source product)
  3. Inventory Details page opens
  4. Make sure that the inventory you are converting is in the back inventory, not in the jar. To transfer inventory, click here
  5. Click the Convert Inventory link
  6. Convert Inventory page opens
  7. On the left side of the page, enter the quantity of source product that you want to convert
  8. On the right side of the page, select the destination product from the dropdown list
  9. On the right side enter the quantity of product that you will have after the conversion

    Screenshot (368)
    Example: On the left We will take 10 grams of Blue Dream Buds 
    On the right we will convert into 20 units of Blue Dream pre-rolls
    with a unit weight of 0.5 grams 
  10. Click the Convert button

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