How Many METRC Tags do I need?

For Dispensaries

  • Initial Inventory
    • Initial Inventory are the products that you have on-hand before you onboard to METRC. You will need 1 tag for each type of product. For example if you have 100 Blueberry Gummies and 100 Grape Gunnies, you will need 2 tags; 1 tag for each type of Gummies.   
  • Pre-Rolls
    • If you make your own in-house pre-rolls, you will need a tag for each batch

For Farms

  • Initial Inventory
    • You will need plant tags for each of your plants current in flowering
    • You will need package tags for each package of product, up to 10 lbs
  • Going forward
    • Get enough plant tags to cover future planting
    • Get enough package tags to cover future sales