Duplicated Products Appearing On The New Page

Duplicates can sometimes appear when you edit/update a product's UOM only in the Jar and not in the Stock as well.

First try the follwoing: 

  • Locate one of the duplicates in the products page table.
  • Click on the icon to the right of the Batch Number to open the Package Details page in a new tab.
  • Click on “Click To Edit Package” button.
  • Scroll to the bottom and click “Save” .
  • Back on the Products Page, click on the button in the left corner of the products table header to sync product data. The duplicated product should now be gone.
If the duplicated products are still there, then it could be because of multiple jars, archived jars or packages that had the UOM changed at some point. To resolve, you will want to convert the product to another instance of the product (same product and and same quantity) which will effectively allow you to start fresh. To learn how to convert, click here.

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