How do I transfer product from my dispensary to another dispensary


  1. Click Products in the menu and ensure the stock has been transferred to the sales floor
  2. Click Sales in the menu to go to the sales page
  3. Create a new Delivery Customer
    1. Click the New Customer button
    2. Change customer type to Delivery
    3. Enter the recipient dispensary name as customer name
    4. Enter the recipient's license number as the patient number
    5. Enter a valid date range for patient card effective and expiration dates
    6. Click SAVE
  4. Start a Delivery
    1. Click the Start Delivery button
    2. On the Delivery page click Start Delivery next to your receipt company's name
    3. The Point of Sale Screen will open
    4. Add the inventory to be transferred to the order
    5.  Click on the price to update the value if appropriate
    6. Click the Print Manifest button on the bottom of the POS screen to print a manifest
    7. Close the Sale and deliver the product

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